First Mutual Segregated Portfolios
First Mutual Segregated Portfolios
These are stand-alone investment portfolios which are registered in the name of the client and are ideal for pension funds and other institutional investors which have at least $50,000.00 and above in investable assets. An independent custodian is appointed to cater for the safe custody of investment assets and the fund manager, First Mutual Wealth focuses on fund and portfolio management. First Mutual Wealth has investment mandates with segregated funds and these specify the asset allocation, performance benchmarks and client reporting timeframes. Some mandates can allow full discretion whilst others have partial discretion and clients have an input in the investment strategy of the fund.

Recommended asset allocation is dependent on the investment policy statement, investment objectives, age profile of pension members, the risk appetite of the members and the projected investment returns.

Client meetings are held with the relevant Board of Trustees for the investors on a quarterly basis where there is a presentation on the economic overview and outlook, portfolio activities and performance as well as the investment strategy review.